Modeling Registry of Los Angeles / Hollywood New York top model rankings, fashion modeling news, free portfolio and directory for models, agencies and photographers

Los Angeles and Hollywood

Modeling Registry of Ithaca / Central New York - top model rankings, fashion modeling news, free portfolio and directory for models, agencies and photographers
Page Three   Modeling Registry for Los Angeles Models.
Hire a Model.
Models are attention getting business icons. Models represents the visual health and character of the business they represents. Models creates an atmosphere of pro - sales in the smile they project.

Visually the only requirement is a clean smile. There are no body arch types being sought! You are being hired by businesses and others - who should have at least a D.B.A., and they, as a result, are the ones who will judge the apperance of the models who they wish to represent their products, art renderings, or services. This is only a faciliative promotion to get you jobs. This is a judgement free effort..

There will be at this time no fees for this service. Only the use of your photos for other online publications, IE Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY[] Roger 's Fashions and Trendsetters News once you are hired, and get paid first. Then as you develop possible affiliate terms [ sample contracts ] to be negotiated and of which is soley determined by the success of this method of promoting you "first and foremost."

However, there will be no fraternization with those who hire you to model. More important, anyone who seeks to developed any relationship other than to which you are hired to "only"model will likewise not be tolerated.

Email your letter of intent, bio, and photo attachments to: [] Just created - The National Modeling Registry Network;   The Invitation group is Fashions and Modeling Trendsetters.   Modeling Registry and the promotions of the models here is an additional benefit of being a member of either group. You will be actively promoted as a model.

A Special WebSite is being develop for those who are at the age of 18 or younger.  Parental supervision will be advised on all model shoots.

Sample: Name / Portfilio Link.
HIH Princesse R@andi Bennett, Livingston, California. / Portfilio Link.
Venise Baquerfo, Van Nuys/North Hollywood, CA    Portfilio Link.
Chinedu Udenqwu, San Pedro, California    Portfilio Link.
Silvia Sherman, San Diego, California / Portfilio Link.
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo
Name / Portfilio Link. Photo

Los Angeles, California Modeling Community News

I Frames Story Release: Los Angeles NightLife Community News September 2, 2009 from press release.

Now you can select where you want your model portfilio to be exhibited.

[ ] In Binghamton, New York Modeling Registry [ ] In Buffalo, New York Modeling Registry [ ] In Hollywood Modeling Registry [ ] In Los Angeles Modeling Registry [ ] In New York City's InterNet Markets [ ] In Syracuse, New York's InterNet Markets. [ ] In Washington, DC's InterNet Markets. [ ] Chicago Modeling Registry [ ] Miami and Miami Beach Modeling Registry [ ]

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