All InterNet Network Publications are published under Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY OnLine Publications, D.B.A., Ithaca, New York 14850. All dance and entertainment Internet publications [ such as - Tri - Falcon and Dove Productions ] are published under Dance 4 America Publications, D.B.A, Ithaca, New York. Cultural activities and all related sociocultural programs operates under Tri - Falcon and Dove Dance Academy, D.B.A., Ithaca, New York. Address: B - 104 University Park Apartments, 87 UpTown Road, Ithaca, New York, 14850.

InterCutltural Communications, both National [ such as the Inter - City Cultural Communications website online published programs ], and International [ such as the - International InterCultural Communications website online published programs ] are the central published features of the online Internet networking processes. This created additional needed resource websites in order to faciliate valued online profiles and Internet users' retensions and return visits who are Internationals, the fastest growing global community sector, Students / Scholars as first priority online market.